See the IMPACT God is allowing CPA students to make as they lead, learn and serve!

Archive for September, 2012

Stop Sexual Trafficking Now

We are very excited about our Impact team this year! God has brought together a wonderful group of girls who each have a heart to serve. Although our topic was a pretty heavy one at times, we enjoyed getting to know one another and sharing our individual goals for Impact 2013.

In our first meeting, we watched a couple of videos about organizations we will be serving this year and the week of Impact in April. We also read an email written by a girl who used to work the streets of Atlanta who has come to know the Lord and changed her life around after being impacted by local organizations that fight human sex trafficking.

We also learned about an opportunity called “Coins for Children.” This is a fundraiser to help Stop Child Trafficking Now, and our girls will be talking to their churches and/or local business about collecting loose change to donate to this organization. They will come back with a report about their efforts at the October meeting.

Please pray for our team as we seek ways to serve this year to fight sex trafficking in Atlanta and all over the world.

Our teams goals:

Show these girls that God loves them

Show them their worth

Give them hope

To allow Impact to “impact” our lives beyond April of 2013 as we continue to serve after the week is over

 Thank you for your prayers!

Mrs. Manning and Mrs. Snow

Creation Museum and Freedom Center–Cincinnati!!

Our first team meeting was lively, interesting and informative! We got to know each other, talked about our trip, looked at pictures from the Creation Museum and then we ‘traveled’ Interstate 75 from Acworth to Cincinnati…

Impact 2013Creation Museum and Freedom CenterMap Study

There were lots of interesting comments and questions about our trip…and in the final game the score was TIED!

So, we look forward to next month and another GUYS vs GIRLS Cincinnati competition.
If you are interested in knowing more about the places we will visit, here are the links for our two major locations, The Creation Museum and The Freedom Center.    The Creation Museum

The Freedom Center    National Underground Railroad Freedom Center

Also…the founder of The Creation Museum will be speaking in Atlanta this weekend!! If you are interested in attending a session (they are free!) all the info is at

Don’t forget… Do  your IMPACT  HomeWork and learn to spell Cincinnati for a team treat at the next meeting!

We are looking forward to a great time planning for IMPACT and a great IMPACT week together in APRIL 2013!

Mrs. Boyd and Mrs. Mozley

September Team Meeting

Our “Party” began today, and it was a great introduction of what’s to come over the next several months!  We talked about the purpose of our group – to learn skills we can carry with us for a lifetime while serving and blessings others.

Each month we will present a challenge to the team. This month’s challenge is to prepare food for someone and be prepared to discuss when and what they baked or cooked, for whom,  and what they learned from the experience.

Our monthly meetings and IMPACT week will lead us to hosting a party for a local ministry.  Unfortunately God closed the door on our original plan to host a party for The Calvary Children’s Home, but as always, when a door is closed, HE makes the path clear on HIS plans.  We will now be hosting our party for Cobb Street Ministries.  It is so exciting to hear that two of our team members are already involved in Cobb Street Ministries.  God is Good!

We ask for your prayers for our team and our local ministry partners – Cobb Street Ministries and M.U.S.T. Ministries.  Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to work with your children!


Mrs. Sansom and Mrs. Gurniewicz

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.  Share with the Lord’s people who are in need.  Practice Hospitality.  Romans 12:12-13

Into the Wardrobe September Meeting

Our IMPACT team is off to a great start, and Mrs. Crowell and I are blessed to get to work with such a terrific group of guys!  We enjoyed the time of sharing with each person telling why he chose this particular trip and what he hopes to gain from the experience.  We watched a film clip from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe to whet our appetites for more of C.S. Lewis!  Our service project will be a day at the Atlanta Women’s Day Shelter in town, so we spent some time discussing the puppet show we will be performing there, as well as other service to the women and children there.

We will be using the One Year with C.S. Lewis daily devotional in our team meetings as well as during IMPACT week.  Purchase of this book is optional.

Before our October meeting students have been asked to think about any particular areas of interest to study or particular writings of C.S. Lewis they want to pursue.

We are looking forward to a great time of learning and serving together!!
Mrs. Burton

Epic Adventure

We had an awesome first Impact meeting.  We talked about our fears and how God does not want us to fear things.  We also played the skittles game.  The adventurers were handed out a bag of skittles and told to pick out 3-4 and do not eat them.  After the skittles were picked out the questions were revealed.  Some examples, Yellow-Dream Job, Purple-Biggest Fear, and Red-Hobbies.  We had a great time getting to know each other.  I know that God placed each person on this team and I am excited to be there to witness what great things He has in store for us.

Reach the Least of These

We had a great meeting this morning. Thank you girls for your compassionate hearts and dedicated resolve to serving others. I loved the participation and ideas. Coach Cagle and I are thrilled to have you on board, serving in the Canton and Cherokee community. A big thank you to Coach for the improvised skit on Matthew 9(2-8) and his thoughts on us bringing people to Jesus.

Continue to work on your Impact prayer journal and look for opportunities to serve at least once  in your church,school or neighborhood community in the next few weeks. We are excited to listen to your presentation next month on the areas you served. (Remember to take pictures)

Our memory verse today was Ephesians 6v 7: Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, 

Blessings to all of you and feel free to add your comment on the blog page.

Mrs Mukherjee.

Pray for the community we will be serving in Canton

Into the Wardrobe Team Photo

Our Story: His Song Team Photo

Rock Ranch Team Photos

Party with a Purpose Team Photo

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